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How can I get better at JavaScript?

Here are some tips to improve your skills in JavaScript:

  1. Practice regularly: Like any other skill, practicing regularly is the key to becoming better at JavaScript. Set aside some time every day or week to practice coding and building projects.
  2. Read documentation: JavaScript has an extensive and comprehensive documentation that can be a valuable resource for learning new concepts and features. Reading documentation will help you understand the language and its various functionalities.
  3. Join online communities: Joining online communities, such as forums and social media groups, can provide you with a platform to discuss coding problems and learn from other developers. You can also ask questions and get answers from experienced developers.
  4. Take online courses: There are many online courses available that cover the fundamentals of JavaScript and advanced topics. These courses can be taken at your own pace and can help you gain a deeper understanding of the language.
  5. Build projects: Building projects is a great way to put your knowledge into practice and gain hands-on experience with JavaScript. Start with small projects and gradually work your way up to more complex projects.
  6. Participate in coding challenges: Participating in coding challenges is a great way to improve your problem-solving skills and learn new programming techniques. There are many coding challenge websites available that you can participate in.
  7. Read code: Reading code written by other developers can help you understand different coding styles and techniques. You can also learn new approaches to problem-solving by examining how other developers have tackled similar problems.
Remember, the key to improving your JavaScript skills is practice, patience, and persistence. Keep coding, keep learning, and keep improving!

JavaScript Tips You need to know:

  • Dynamic Property Names in Objects
const dynamic = 'flavour';
var item = {
    name: 'Biscuit',
    [dynamic]: 'Chocolate'

{name: 'Biscuit', flavour: 'Chocolate'}

Code Explanation:
This is a block of JavaScript code that creates an object called item with two properties: name and flavour.
The const keyword is used to declare a constant variable dynamic and assigns the string value 'flavour' to it.
The var keyword is used to declare a variable item. The variable item is initialized to an object with two properties: name and flavour.
The name property is a string with the value 'Biscuit'.
The flavour property is created using square brackets [] and the value of dynamic, which is 'flavour'. This is a dynamic way of creating a property in an object. The value of dynamic is evaluated at runtime and used as the name of the property.
The value of the flavour property is the string 'Chocolate'.
Finally, the console.log() function is used to print the item object to the console.

  • Boolean Conversion Using the !! Operator
const greeting = 'Hello there!';
const noGreeting = '';


Code Explanation:

const greeting = 'Hello there!';

This creates a constant variable named greeting and assigns it the value 'Hello there!'.


     This logs the result of applying the logical NOT operator (!) twice to the value of greeting.
    Since the logical NOT operator returns a Boolean value, applying it twice effectively converts the original value to its Boolean equivalent.
    In this case, since greeting is a non-empty string (i.e., it contains characters), its Boolean equivalent is true.
    Applying the logical NOT operator twice to true returns true, so the code logs true to the console.

    const noGreeting = '';

    This creates a constant variable named noGreeting and assigns it an empty string.


    This logs the result of applying the logical NOT operator (!) twice to the value of noGreeting.
    Since noGreeting is an empty string, its Boolean equivalent is false.
    Applying the logical NOT operator once to false returns true, so applying it again returns false.
    Therefore, the code logs false to the console.

    • Sort Alphabetically
    function alphabetSort(arr){
       return arr.sort((a, b)=>
    let array = ["d","c","b","a"]

    ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

    Code Explanation:
    The above code defines a function named alphabetSort which takes an array arr as an argument. This function sorts the elements of the array in alphabetical order using the localeCompare method.

    Here's a step-by-step explanation of the code:
    1. The alphabetSort function is defined and takes an array arr as an argument.
    2. The sort method is called on the array arr. This method sorts the array in place and returns the sorted array. The sort method takes a comparator function as an argument to define the sorting order. In this case, the comparator function is defined using the arrow function syntax and the localeCompare method.
    3. The localeCompare method is used to compare two strings a and b. It returns a number that indicates the relative order of the two strings. If a should come before b, a negative number is returned. If a should come after b, a positive number is returned. If the two strings are equal, localeCompare returns 0.
    4. The let keyword is used to declare a new variable named array and initialize it with an array of strings.
    5. The console.log method is called to print the sorted array to the console.

    • One Linear Palindrome Checking
    function isPalindrome(str){
        return str ===


    Code Explanation:
    The given code is defining a function isPalindrome that takes a string str as an argument. The function returns true if the string is a palindrome (i.e., the same when read forwards and backwards), and false otherwise.

    The implementation of the function uses the following steps:
    1. The split('') method is used to convert the string into an array of individual characters.
    2. The reverse() method is used to reverse the order of the elements in the array.
    3. The join('') method is used to convert the reversed array back into a string.
    4. The original string and the reversed string are compared using the === operator.
    5. If the two strings are equal, the function returns true, otherwise it returns false.
    Here's a breakdown of how the function works for the inputs provided:
    • console.log(isPalindrome("mom")) will output true since "mom" is a palindrome.
    • console.log(isPalindrome("ball")) will output false since "ball" is not a palindrome.
    • console.log(isPalindrome("maham")) will output true since "maham" is a palindrome.

    • Execution Time of the Code:
    var a = 20
    var b = 3
    for(let i = b; i < a; i++){
        // do something

    timer-1: 0.01220703125 ms

    Code Explanation:
    The given code is using console.time() and console.timeEnd() methods to measure the execution time of a for loop. Here's how it works:
    • console.time("timer-1") starts a new timer with the name "timer-1".
    • var a = 20 and var b = 3 define two variables a and b with the values of 20 and 3 respectively.
    • for(let i = b; i < a; i++) is a for loop that starts at the value of b and continues until i is no longer less than a. The loop body itself doesn't do anything, it's just a placeholder for whatever actions would be performed in a real application.
    • // do something represents the actions that would be performed in a real application.
    • console.timeEnd("timer-1") stops the timer with the name "timer-1" and outputs the elapsed time in milliseconds since the timer was started.
    The output of console.timeEnd() method will vary depending on the specific machine and runtime environment, but it will always be in milliseconds. The purpose of measuring the execution time in this way is to identify any performance bottlenecks or areas for optimization in the code.

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